Lesson Study
This section provides a number of reports that show the lesson study process that groups of teachers in Malta engaged in to plan, implement and evaluate their lessons. Some reports include reflections on each stage of the lesson study process.
Understanding the Use of Foreground, Middle Ground and Background in an Artwork
Art Lesson Grade 4
Laura Formosa
Stella Maris College Junior School Gzira
The lesson provides Grade 4 students an opportunity to observe, think critically and discuss how foreground, middle ground and background are used in images. In this lesson, students also experimented and applied these concepts while creating their own collage artwork. Hence, this lesson study focused on supporting students’ understanding of foreground, middle ground and background in images and how they may apply these concepts in creating their own artwork .
Making Mathematical Connections
Mathematics Lesson Year 9
Philip Zammit, Gabriella Delia Cumbo, Stephan Azzopardi,
Ian Buttigieg, Tamara Azzopardi, Joanne Caruana Gauci,
Jessica Bajada, Mariette Bartolo & James Calleja
St Clare College Secondary School Pembroke
The lesson focuses on making mathematical connections by providing 14-year old students with a real-life problem. The lesson offers students with a problem of "Choosing a DJ for our school party". The report provides a detailed account of all the meetings involved in preparing for this lesson. Included are lesson phases, the resources used and reflections of experiences by teachers, students and observers.
Creating Mental Representations: Lesson Study in a Primary Classroom
English Lesson Year 3
Carmen Karen Galea Mizzi & Michelle Buhagiar
Gozo College Primary School Rabat
Reading comprehension skills are fundamental in language development and in developing independent learners. This lesson focuses on improving reading comprehension in a Year 3 class. Reading comprehension is a complex process where the reader uses a variety of cognitive processes to create meaning.
Identifying existing prior knowledge, predicting and inferencing, visualising, summarising, generating rich questions, monitoring comprehension, and repairing comprehension breakdowns. A reader will use different comprehension strategies in a flexible way while reading, therefore, all need to be developed and experienced continuously as the reader meets with increasingly complex texts. For this lesson study, a strategy to focus on as a starting point was . The development of comprehension strategies eventually lead to more active, strategic and independent readers and learners.
Money Rock: Lesson Study in a Secondary Mathematics Classroom
Mathematics Lesson Year 9
JoAnn Azzopardi & Janet Haber
Gozo College Secondary School
This lesson study was carried out with a Year 9 Track 3 class. The lesson, planned to be taught in mid-January, involved the selection of a task that would serve as an effective revision of various topics before the Half Yearly examination as well as give the students the opportunity to delve into new areas. Our aim was to design a task where students are given the opportunity to connect various mathematical topics tackled during different years of schooling.
Investigating the Use of Switches and their Application to Electronic Circuits
Engineering Technology Lesson Year 9
Mark Sciberras
Gozo College Secondary School
By building electronic circuits using different components, students need to decide upon which switch to use so that a circuit will operate as instructed. This lesson study was intended to help Year 11 students draw up hypothesis and arrive to conclusions about particular functions of various switches. Ultimately, this leads to the aim of the lesson [kyozai] that is to acquire knowledge about various types of switches together with their usage. In circuitry, switches are widely used components. Being able to identify the right switch with the right function is essential, since it may affect the behaviour of a particular circuit. More so, students will be able to identify and appreciate the functions of different switches that they come across in their daily lives. This topic will serve as an introduction to relay switches, as well as a guide for students to select appropriate switches when designing their circuits which they will ultimately build up themselves.
Using inquiry-based learning through co-teaching
Mathematics Lesson Year 9
Maria Galea, Jessica Schembri, Darren Bonnici, Mireille Scicluna & Mary Ann Borg
St Albert the Great College Secondary School Valletta
This lesson, which was carried out in 2017, focused on improving the teaching and learning of mathematics using inquiry-based learning. In order to implement inquiry-based learning, teachers decided to co-teach the lesson. Co-teaching was also a first experience for them but they viewed co-teaching as supportive for them to plan, implement and evaluate the lesson.