Lesson Study
CLeStuM is committed to disseminate, both locally and internationally, research and theoretical insights that are rooted in lesson study experiences in Maltese schools. This dissemination is carried out by the CLeStuM team and affiliates during conferences, seminars and meetings, and on the social media.
Our main dissemination events are listed below:
Mathematics Education and Lesson Study in Europe (MELSE)
Presentation Title:
Students in Lesson Study: A Spotlight on Ethics
The second meeting of Mathematics Education and Lesson Study in Europe (MELSE) was held at the University of Nottingham. Dr Michael Buhagiar attended on behalf of CLeStuM and presented his paper to participants who came from across Europe and beyond.
Lesson Study is normally applied in connection with broader research areas, such as teacher education, teaching and learning, cultural perspectives, and the LS process (i.e., the planning, implementation and the evaluation phases). It is striking, however, that although LS is essentially about professional collaboration among people, the overarching discourse surrounding it typically lacks reference to ethical considerations that go beyond ‘procedural ethics’. Indeed, the issue of ethics is often limited to seeking approval from a relevant ethics committee, and in the process little attention, if at all, is given to ‘ethics in practice’. When the everyday ethical issues that arise from doing LS research are not adequately addressed, it is arguably the LS students who can be most vulnerable during ethically important moments. These moments transcend the ‘right thing to do’ (e.g., students’ learning improves through LS) to actively query the possibility that a wrong could be done (e.g., some students might feel like an exhibition fish in a bowl during LS). The idea, thus, is to problematise the involvement of students in LS in an effort to raise awareness that, although LS is undoubtedly beneficial to a number of people (including students) on a number of levels, the search for common good should not come at the cost of individual good. Clearly, some balance between these two opposite ends of the ‘good continuum’ needs to be established and acted upon.
Michael Buhagiar
March 2020
The World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS)
Article Title:
Teacher Professional Learning through Lesson Study
This article focused on the Art lesson study conducted with Grade 4 (8-year old) boys at Stella Maris College Junior School, Gżira. The focus of the lesson was on students' understanding of the concepts of foreground, middle ground and background and their use in an artwork. There were two trials of this lesson which were both taught by Ms Laura Formosa, the Art teacher. Both lesson trials were attended by a number of observers who provided feedback during discussions held after each lesson.
The full article is available on:
James Calleja, Michelle Attard Tonna & Michael Buhagiar
March 2020
The World Association of Lesson Studies (WALS)
Presentation Title:
Teachers’ Interactions: Knowledge Sharing and Development through Lesson Study
This paper focuses on the development of a teacher learning community around a mathematics lesson study. A qualitative case study methodology is adopted to examine teacher interactions during their lesson study meetings and to investigate the knowledge shared and developed over time. This understanding is gathered through three data sources: video recordings, observational field notes and a teacher online forum. To examine interactions and how these shape teachers’ lesson study goals, analysis of data draws on talk-in-interaction. Talk-in-interaction provides an analytical lens to look into teachers’ social actions as shaped by the lesson study context. This research suggests that teachers construct a sense of the ongoing lesson study process through interactions. Interactions support teachers to negotiate a role for participating and, as a result, to develop their knowledge. Moreover, there are indications that interactions develop teachers’ actions, their roles and identities as teachers of mathematics.
James Calleja, Michelle Attard Tonna & Michael Buhagiar
September 2019
Session Title:
Lesson Study at St Clare Secondary School, Pembroke
tikka MATEMATIKA is an annual seminar organised by the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes in collaboration with the Institute for Education. This two-day seminar is targeted for teachers of Mathematics and aims to disseminate examples of sound pedagogical practices in teaching mathematics.
During their presentation, teachers Naomi Attard Borg and Sarah Wertz presented their lesson study conducted with four Year 7 classes. This lesson, involving the collaborative engagement of a number of teachers, focused on the geometry of triangles.
February 2018